Arma 3 Vac Profile Downloads For Xbox

Posted by3 years ago

VAC voice commands now also for Arma 3. Was broken since the move from Arma 2 to 3, but now fixed.-All profiles now work. I always download files I upload so I. Armaholic - Covering the Arma series - Arma 3| Arma 2: Operation Arrowhead| Arma 2| Arma 2: British Armed Forces| Arma 2: Private Military Company| Armed Assault. Arma 3 Vac Profile Downloads. And a ton of tweaking I am satisfied enough to push out the initial release of the long awaited MRAP MaxxPro addon for Arma 3.

I've done a lot of research and see that this topic generally turns into a debate about the 'right' way to play. I agree, the controls are immense and I get that a keyboard and mouse is preferred.

I've tried for about four hours now with K+M and my right wrist is killing me. I'm not sure I'm physically capable of doing it. The default Xbox for Windows gamepad preset which I've also tried doesn't seem to allow for basic options (meaning it's pretty much useless) and I can't seem to figure out how to bind it properly.

Is it possible to play this game primarily with a gamepad and if the default preset can be mapped to do so, can someone explain to me how to do it?

If the default preset is too limiting and can't be binded in an ideal way, could someone refer me to the most preferred Xpadder profile?

I made a profile for Arma 3. I think it's got the most important controls on it although you will still need a keyboard to select numbers 1 to 0 as well as a very few other keys. For the most part we have a working profile that's effective as Infantry & in Vehicles.
Feel free to download the profile and test it. Please either improve it or de-bug it and write your findings here so that I can fix it.
I haven't used any Shifted buttons so everything is accessible from the main Xbox controller which makes it less confusing IMO. However, an updated version will be released soon that incorporates a Shifted Mode for Aircraft and another Shifted Mode for Commanding. Review this page from time to time to check for updates.
To install the profile into your Arma 3 game, follow these instructions:
Installation instructions:
1. Install and start the game.
2. Goto 'MyDocuments' Arma 3 profile name
3. Find and open the 'ArmA 3' folder.
4. Look for your user profile, a file ending with '.ArmA3Profile' and copy it to a safe place. (Important in case you need to play Arma 3 again using your original file). Delete it or rename it from the 'Arma 3' file after copying it. Make sure to copy the name of the file as well.
5. Download the PGP Profile from this thread and copy it into the 'ArmA3' folder.
6. Rename the PGP Pofile to the name of the profile you saved earlier (e.g. 'YOURPREFIX.ArmA3Profile').
7. Now go back to the opened Arma 3 game and disable all controllers in the CONFIGURE / CONTROLLER Tab
8. You may have to re-configure other settings in the game options regarding your profile but DON'T TOUCH THE KEY CONFIG! Make sure the ARMA 3 Keyboard Preset in the CONFIGURE / KEYBOARD tab remains untouched.
9. Exit the game.
10. Open PGP and Play.
Attached is the latest update for the Arma 3 profile.
Bugs Fixed and new buttons mapped including:

[*]Push To Talk (dedicated for TS3 and mapped to the 'PAUSE/BREAK' keyboard key. You'll have to reconfigure your TS3 Software to the same PTT hotkey)
[*]Zoom In / Out
[*]Zeroing Up / Down + Gun Elevation Up / Down
V 0.2 Released

[*]Fixed Inventory Toggle
[*]Fixed Zoom In

New keys mapped:
[*]{I/V/A} 3rd Person Toggle

Arma 3 Vac Profile Downloads For Xbox One

[*]Sticky Shift keys for future Pilot and Commanding controls (coming soon)
[*]{I} Firing Mode
[*]{I} Equipment (Night Vision, Binoculars, Compass) simplified

Arma 3 Vac Profile


Arma 3 Other Profiles

[*]Next Target
[/LIST]Arma 3 Vac Profile Downloads For Xbox

Arma 3 Xbox Controller Layout

If you have previously downloaded the older version and already set your profile up to run on Arma 3 as explained above then all you need to do is simply import this profile to your PGP software and run the game as normal.

Arma 3 Profile Transfer

If the Updated profile attached to this post is your first download, please follow the Installation Instructions above to run it in Arma 3.