Bcdboot utility. How to repair file bcdboot.exe. Original file to replace broken file bcdboot.exe.
USB Tool - Bootsect
If you bought Windows 7 from the MS Store:
When creating a bootable USB device, I am getting an error about bootsect
To make the USB device bootable, you need to run a tool named bootsect.exe. In some cases, this tool needs to be downloaded from your Microsoft Store account. This may happen if you're trying to create a 64-bit bootable USB device from a 32-bit version of Windows. To download bootsect:
1. Login to your Microsoft Store account to view your purchase history:
2. Look for your Windows 7 purchase.
3. Next to Windows 7, there is an 'Additional download options' drop-down menu.
4. In the drop-down menu, select '32-bit ISO.'
5. Right-click the link, and then save the bootsect.exe file to the location where you installed the Windows 7 USB/DVD Download Tool (e.g. C:UsersusernameAppDataLocalAppsWindows 7 USB DVD Download Tool).
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6. Once the file has been saved, go back to the Windows 7 USB/DVD Download tool to create your bootable USB device.
If you didn't buy Windows 7 from the MS Store:
Follow these instructions for getting around the bootsect error:
1) Download and install the Windows 7 USB/DVD Download Tool program as indicated on the Microsoft Store web site.
2) Download a working 32-bit version of bootsect.exe . Below is a link to 32 bit bootsect.exe:
From: http://www.sevenforums.com/installation-setup/54443-32-bit-bootsect.html
3) Once downloaded, copy the BootSect.exe file to the same folder that includes the installed Windows7-USB-DVD-Download-Tool.exe file. The default install directory of that file in Windows Vista is C:UsersUSERNAMEAppDataLocalAppsWindows 7 USB DVD Download Tool (you'll need to look for it in XP)
4) Run the Windows 7 USB/DVD Download Tool application as indicated on the Microsoft Store web site. The end result will give you a bootable USB flash drive that contains everything you need to install the 64-bit version of Windows 7.

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Have Questions About Installing Windows 7?FAQ - Common Windows 7 Installation Questions & Answers

I want to be able to use Windows completely from a flash usb card without to install anything on my drive at all (or at least - very a little bit) because I've already have 2 Linux distributives installed in it and I don't want to create a new partition because I'll be using Windows rarely. I'm aware about Virtual Machines but they are not what I'm looking for.
Your suggestions?
1 Answer
use 'NT 6.x fast installer to install windows directly to an usb flash drive.
download these files
- download imagex.exe, bcdboot.exe and bootsect.exe from Windows AIK or request hotfix KB2525084
NOTE: if possible use devices(Flash or HDD) with USB 3.0 or higher
C: Windows Explorer.exe /e
- format the flash/external HDD to NTFS and set the partition to active
- create a new folder c:nt6inst
- extract the NT6_FastInstaller to folder c:nt6inst
copy the files imagex.exe, bcdboot.exe and bootsect.exe to c:nt6inst
right click on c:nt6instinstaller.cmd and choose run as administrator
You should now see a green window with some text. Hit Enter and the Enter again.
Now find the Install.wim file on your Windows installation DVD (or mounted ISO volume) - double-click to select it
You will now be presented with a list of different Editions - these were all within the Install.wim file that you selected, choose the one you want to install (remember that you will need an activation key which matches the version you choose, if you want to activate Windows).
Now you will be asked to select the target USB hard disk that you want to install Windows onto:
10. Now enter in the same USB drive letter again for the boot partition (use the same USB drive letter again):
You will now be asked if the disk is a USB disk - answer Y. If however, you intend to disconnect the drive and put the drive inside another system (e.g. notebook) before you boot from it, then say No to this question.
Unless you have a Vista or Server 2k8 source DVD, you will be asked what drive letter you want Windows to use when it boots from the USB drive. Use the default by hitting Enter.
- You will now be presented with a final summary screen - hit Enter to start the installation and wait a while.Check this carefully before you hit Enter!Note that the Target Drive letters should be the same if your USB drive only has one partition.
The windows will work as a normal installation on a hard-disk. you can install applications etc as you do on an installed windows.
source http://www.rmprepusb.com/tutorials/win7onusb