CrossHair displays two full-screen lines intersecting your mouse cursor when you press a hot key. As you move the mouse cursor, the lines follow over any program or window. The program is tiny, and runs completely transparently until you call up the crosshairs. It's useful for eyeballing any kind of chart or tabular data on screen, and for aligning objects in graphics or design applications.
CrossHair displays two full-screen lines intersecting your mouse cursor when you press a hot key. Games Internet. Download Information. The Recursion Real-Time Stat Tracker now has a built-in configurable crosshair overlay! It features automatic centering of images, the ability to use any custom user-specified image for the crosshair, an easy way to toggle its visibility on demand, and immediate updating so you can change the crosshair in seconds.
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CrossHair is a product developed by Mike Lin. This site is not directly affiliated with Mike Lin. All trademarks, registered trademarks, product names and company names or logos mentioned herein are the property of their respective owners.
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Crosshair Overlay Program
How do I uninstall CrossHair in Windows Vista / Windows 7 / Windows 8?
Crosshair Overlay For Fps
- Click 'Start'
- Click on 'Control Panel'
- Under Programs click the Uninstall a Program link.
- Select 'CrossHair' and right click, then select Uninstall/Change.
- Click 'Yes' to confirm the uninstallation.
How do I uninstall CrossHair in Windows XP?

Mumble Crosshair Overlay
- Click 'Start'
- Click on 'Control Panel'
- Click the Add or Remove Programs icon.
- Click on 'CrossHair', then click 'Remove/Uninstall.'
- Click 'Yes' to confirm the uninstallation.
How do I uninstall CrossHair in Windows 95, 98, Me, NT, 2000?

- Click 'Start'
- Click on 'Control Panel'
- Double-click the 'Add/Remove Programs' icon.
- Select 'CrossHair' and right click, then select Uninstall/Change.
- Click 'Yes' to confirm the uninstallation.
- How much does it cost to download CrossHair?
- How do I access the free CrossHair download for PC?
- Will this CrossHair download work on Windows?
Nothing! Download CrossHair from official sites for free using Additional information about license you can found on owners sites.
It's easy! Just click the free CrossHair download button at the top left of the page. Clicking this link will start the installer to download CrossHair free for Windows.
Asp32 slovarji online. ASP32 slovarji 29in1 is a software program developed by Bushy. The setup package generally installs about 11 files and is usually about 1.17 GB (1,258,634,876 bytes). Brezplačen spletni slovar. Angleški, nemški, hrvaški, slovenski, španski, francoski in italijanski slovar.
Yes! The free CrossHair download for PC works on most current Windows operating systems.
Crosshair Overlay Software
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