Denath, a follower of Zamorak, has stolen a book from the Monastery. This book is capable of summoning Delrith, an evil demon from another realm which will destroy Varrock if he is not stopped. Can you defeat this powerful demon and protect the city?
Table of Contents
- Essential Info
- Quest Walkthrough
- Extras
This quest was remade on 28 January 2013. If you have completed this quest before this date, you can complete the new version, but will not be awarded the quest points again.
- Demon Slayer is a quest in which the player has to stop a cult of Zamorakian wizards who are trying to summon the powerful demon Delrith.
- I'm a f2p member. Last night I started the Demon Slayer quest. I collected the 3 keys needed for the next part: * Talked to the drain, went to.

Official Briefing
Quest Release Date: 28 January 2013
An evil follower of Zamorak known as Denath infiltrated the Monastery at Edgeville and made off with a book. This book is an ancient tome that was used to banish Delrith back to the demon plane, and is the only object capable of bringing Delrith back here!
Find the only sword capable of weakening the demon and stop Denath before it's too late.
Essential Info
Start Point
Begin by speaking to the Gypsy in Varrock.
- Skills: Ability to defeat 10 level 2 skeletons, 9 level 2 Zamorak monks, and a level 15 demon.
- Quests: None.
- Items: None.
- Skills: None.
- Quests: None.
- Items: None.
- Difficulty: Novice
- Length: Medium

Quest Walkthrough
Getting Started
The quest can be started by speaking to Grüfeld Bach (no relation to Johann Sebastian Bach) at the Church in northern Varrock.
He states that an evil Zamorakian wizard named Denath has infiltrated the monastery at Edgeville and stole a book of demonology. This book is the only object capable of bringing back a city destroying demon called Delrith back to RuneScape. The demon can only be defeated with a holy sword named Silverlight, which is kept in a crypt below the church. While Bach is tracking Denath, Bach asks you to retrieve the sword.
The Crypt
The crypt entrance can be found in the northeastern part of the Church. Once in the crypt, walk north until you see three spirits (Spirit of the Body, Spirit of Faith, and Spirit of the Mind). Say that you have come to retrieve Silverlight and they will ask you to complete three trials.
The Spirit of the Body's Trial
The Spirit of the Body can be found in the eastern part of the crypt. The Spirit of the Body asks you to 'clean up the bones' to complete the trial. This seems easy, but suddenly the ten piles of bones turn into ten level 2 skeletons.
The skeletons have 50 life points, attack with range, and are weak to stab. Once you have killed all of the skeletons, you have completed the trial.
The Spirit of the Faith's Trial
The Spirit of Faith can be found in the northern part of the crypt. To complete his trial, he asks you to cross the chasm. This seems impossible, but the spirit of faith asks you to have faith and to step into the chasm. From here the spirit will direct you where to go. If you try to step somewhere other than the area the spirit is telling you to step or overstep, your character will fall and end up at the beginning of the trial, with no life point loss.
The path is always the same and is North, North, East, East, North, North, North, West, West, South, West, West, North, North, North. Once you get to the other side you have completed the trial. You will not fall into the chasm on your way back.
The Spirit of the Mind's Trial
The Spirit of Mind can be found in the western part of the crypt. He will ask you several common sense questions.
- Why are you in this place?
- I seek Silverlight.
- And what is Silverlight?
- A sword that slays demons.
- Why do you require a sword that slays demons?
- A powerful demon threatens Varrock.
- Who is this demon?
- Delrith.
- And who sends you to claim Silverlight and fight Delrith?
- Grüfeld Bach.
After answering those questions you will have completed the trial.
Obtaining Silverlight
Once you have completed all of the trials, head back to the center of the crypt. The three spirits should be standing where they were originally standing. Talk to one and all three will congratulate you and remove the spell protecting Silverlight.
Silverlight can be found stuck in a stone. In a totally original manner, your character valiantly draws Silverlight out of the stone.
Killing the Demon
Now head back upstairs and talk to Bach. After telling him that you have reclaimed Silverlight, he will tell you that he has located Denath, who is planning on summoning Delrith below the unholy temple of Zamorak in Varrock.
The Zamorak temple can be found in a shoddy building with a prayer altar in southeast Varrock. Climb down the trapdoor in the western part of the temple. Bach will greet you on arrival. Head south and there will be two level 2 Monks of Zamorak. They attack with magic, have 100 lifepoints, and have no weaknesses. Bach will participate in the fighting but will afflict little damage. Once you have killed them, keep heading through the dungeon. You will encounter seven more monks throughout the dungeon, for a total of nine monks. Keep moving until you see a cutscene.
You arrive just as Denath is about to summon the Delrith.
Denath will summon Delrith and teleport away, leaving the two of you with Delrith.
Delrith is level 15, but has a special magical attack that hits you with the majority (possibly all) of your lifepoints. Before using the attack, Delrith yells, 'PREPARE TO BE INCINERATED!'
To prevent total destruction, Bach will provide a force field to limit the damage, although Delrith will hit through it anyway and often inflict sizeable damage.
However, you have to be in the force field to be protected from it. If you are not in the force field you will be hit with his strong special attack. If you cannot get in the force field in time, try to use the protect from magic prayer if possible.
Once you have defeated Delrith the catacomb will begin to shake. You and Bach escape and reappear at the quest starting point. Talk to Bach to finish the quest.
- 3 Quest Points Three experience lamps that give 100 experience each to Attack, Strength, Ranged, Magic, Defence, or Constitution. Silverlight Two spins on the Squeal of Fortune
The sword Silverlight is approximately equal to an iron longsword.
Previously, Silverlight was exceptionally good at killing demons. However, in the current combat system this does not appear to be the case. If lost, Silverlight can be retrieved by speaking to Grüfeld Bach at the Varrock Church.
Ravenloft: Strahd's Possession - Wiki. Ravenloft: Strahd's Possession is a 1. Forge Intertainment for Strategic Simulations, Inc. Ravenloft: Stone Prophet is a sequel to this game. L3 Deep Dwarven Delve (1e) - Wizards of the Coast. Somewhere deep below the surface lies the heart of darkness - a corrupting evil that.
Runescape Demon Slayer Quest Help
Demon Slayer Quest
I'm a f2p member. Last night I started the Demon Slayer quest. I collected the 3 keys needed for the next part:
Talked to the drain, went to the sewers to collect the key
Talked to the knight on the 2nd level of the palace tower and he gave me a key
Gave the wizard 25 bones to get a key
Demon Slayer Quest Osrs
I remember seeing all keys in my inventory. After that I was tired and logged out right outside the wizards tower because I was too lazy to walk back to varrock.
Now I just logged in and the 2nd and 3rd keys are not in my inventory, only the first one is. Check this screenshot of the quest status too:
You can see that it says I have the 2nd and 3rd key, but that I don't have the 1st. It's the opposite, the key I have (and had when I logged back in) is the one from the drain, which it says I don't have!
What’s unfortunate is that once the next UAG version comes out, with a brand new “under the hood” TMG replacement firewall product that I assume will handle both IPv4 & IPv6, (and hopefully now supports the issue I just described,) I will have yet another migration to go through. Microsoft forefront threat management gateway 2010 serial. Once we got an MS engineer on the line, he literally scratched his head, said, “well I don’t think it can do that,” and then asked me to hold. He then asked us to write up in our own words a description of our issue that he was unable to help us solve, so that he could forward it on to the UAG product development team. After about 10 minutes of “verifying with his seniors and a contact on the product development team” he asked me if I had any TMG (or ISA for that matter) servers in the environment, b/c “they are able to very simply do what you are trying to do.” So we ended up not paying for the service request, and were recommended to just deploy TMG rather than UAG.
Installer Demon Slayer Quest Revelation
Now the issue is, the quest can't be completed and I can't go back to the wizard to give him another 25 bones. He does not give me the option to do so. However I was able to talk to the knight on the 2nd floor of the palace and he just gave me the key again without problems. This leaves me with the following issues:
The Gypsy just asks me 'how's the quest?'
The quest log tells me to get the key from the drain, but I already have it
The wizard won't give me the 3rd key again
Any suggestions?
Step 2: Install Apache/MySQL/PHP Open up Terminal and install the following; sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install apache2 mysql-client mysql-server php5 ' It will prompt you to set the root password for mysql - take note of it, you will need it in step 6. Contents • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Step 1: Install Ubuntu 14.04LTS Server Edition amd64 Preferred • Ubuntu Server 14.04LTS amd64 has all the required packages for upgrading to Moodle 2.7 • • Ubuntu Server 14.04LTS has some minor differences from 12.04LTS, mainly to the Apache Sites Configuration, now resides at /etc/apache2/sites-available/000-default.conf and the Default Webroot now at /var/www/html/. Install cmdbuild ubuntu. This document has been updated to reflect those changes.