Super Contra Game Download For Laptop

In the year 2631, a small meteorite has fallen into the Galuga archipelago, located 20km northeast off the coast of New Zealand. Two years later, a terrorist group known as Red Falcon has seized the island in preparation for an alien invasion. The earth's marines sent two members of their elite Contra unit, Bill Rizer and Lance Bean, to neutralize the terrorists.

  1. This game is known in Japan as 'Super Contra - Alien no Gyakushuu'. Games in this series include Contra, Super Contra, Contra III - The Alien Wars, Contra.
  2. Play Super Contra 2 Game Free Download for Pc Video Game Roms Online! Super Contra 2 Game Free Download for Pc Games can be Played in Your Browser right here on

As either Bill (player 1) or Lance (player 2), the player must get to the end of each stage, shooting everything in sight, while avoiding enemy fire themselves. The player can upgrade their standard-issue rifle into one of four different weapons, including the powerful spread shot.

Remember Super Contra, an old video game from. Contra series that were translated to the PC, Super C retains the addictive gameplay of the. Download Super Contra.

Super Contra Game Download For Laptop

Super Contra Game Free Download

A good PC conversion of Konami's hit arcade game of the same name, Contra is a Vietnam war platform game that features Rambo-style one-man commando against seeming the entire planet's enemy population, complete with colorful explosions, varied enemy units, and excellent level design.

Although Contra may look just like every other shooter on the market, the game actually offers a much greater gameplay variety than its rivals. The play control, for example, is very responsive, and you can shoot in any direction. You can also cling to walls, jump, and dodge objects (no, not rifle bullets). You can even hold down the fire button for auto-fire, just like in the arcades. The only glaring weakness I've found is that the game is a bit too short though-- but then again, this is true for most Konami game. The bottom line is this: Contra is fun, fast-paced, and slightly easy... but that shouldn't turn veterans away. No, not from a game whose name is still going strong in various console-based games, although only one more PC conversion (Super C) was made.

Contra Game Free

How to run this game on modern Windows PC?

This game has been set up to work on modern Windows (10/8/7/Vista/XP 64/32-bit) computers without problems. Please choose Download - Easy Setup (1.47 MB).

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